1. How to connect my cellphone to Bluetooth?

For S series following: Bluetooth-search page-search-find your cellphone-connect-allow the connection on your cellphone

For HC series following: Bluetooth-search page- search-find your cellphone-connect-allow the connection on your cellphone

2. I can not hear anything when making a phone call.

1)  Please raise the volume on your cellphone.
2)  Make sure you choose ‘BT’ to broadcast the call content.

3. When making a phone call, the other side can not hear my voice.

1)  Please allow the phone contact when you pair the Bluetooth.

2)  For HC series, please select the ‘Internal Mic’ when you are using internal or external microphone, the player only have internal microphone channel.
3)  Delete the pair on our player and on your cellphone, then reconnect Bluetooth again.
4)  Try to reset the player to factory settings.
For S series following steps:
Car Settings-Factory-22558800-ok. Erase all data including factory settings.
For HC series following steps:
Settings-Car Settings-Factory-000000 ok-Erase all data (factory reset)-ok.
5)  Please try to connect the external microphone to see if it can fit the problem.

4. For S series, when making a phone call, I can not operate the player.

Please update the player firmware to our latest version, the latest firmware allow you to operate the player when making a phone call.

5. How do I improve external microphone quality?

Physically disable the internal microphone so it does not interfere with it.

6. When making a phone call, the player only shows phone number but not calling name.

1)  Please allow the phone contact when pairing the Bluetooth.

2)  Download your phonebook on Bluetooth ‘Phonebook page’ .